JC Mechanical Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

Repair Vs. Replacement: Making the Best Choice for Your Budget

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Air conditioners are not like other appliances in our home. For instance, a washing machine or a dishwasher could sometimes run at a fraction of the cost of operating a new air conditioner. Likewise, if you’re in need of support, just a quick call for AC repair in Broken Arrow, OK can run up the bill and cause a shock to your budget. This is stressful, and we understand why customers might try to hold off on repair or go with a DIY attempt.

But the real issue here is the state of your air conditioner, your budget, and how it all interacts. If you wait on AC repairs, for instance, your budget might be in worse shape come fall when replacement is the only option for your broken compressor. Or, if you pay for repairs without thinking about a replacement, you might end up wasting money on a system that is already on its way out.

How can you tell if it’s time to replace the system? How do you know if it just needs a quick fix? Let’s break it down.

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AC FAQ: A Refrigerant Leak

Monday, August 21st, 2023

Refrigerant is one of the first things we teach our customers about. It’s such an important component to the cooling process, that we’d practically be unable to have air conditioning without it. This is why having an issue like a refrigerant leak can be a huge bummer for a customer that’s looking to keep their budget intact.

Don’t worry, refrigerant leaks are actually quite common. They’re still issues that require professional AC repair in Sapulpa, OK, but they’re also easily handled by a trained technician. We want to spend this blog post making sure that our customers have all the important information on refrigerant leaks available to them. Any questions you might have, we’ll do our best to answer.

But remember, if you don’t see one of your questions here, be sure to call our expert technicians so you can get the answers you’re looking for.

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Our Tips for Getting Through a Heatwave

Monday, July 24th, 2023

Heatwaves used to be a “once in a while” kind of occurrence. Now, they’re practically every weekend and causing us to make last-minute changes in our plans. It’s frustrating, but it’s a reality of our time in the 21st century. So, what do we do about it?

First things first, we need to be safe and energy efficient. By staying comfortable, hydrated, and secure in your home, a heatwave won’t be so hard on you or your family. Then, the next main priority is ensuring that you minimize the amount of electrical energy you require to power your fans and AC so that the power grid doesn’t get overloaded. This will also ensure that you don’t pay exorbitant electrical prices at the end of the month.

Don’t worry, we’ll go over all of these proposals and more. Just make sure you get your AC repair in Sapulpa, OK from us–the Wizard of Blizzard!

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What Your Thermostat Setting Says About You

Monday, July 10th, 2023

Every single air conditioner is going to work differently. Sure, they’re all designed in factories to look and function the same, but they’re controlled by humans with different preferences and lifestyles. This means that your air conditioner is likely going to work a lot differently than your neighbor’s air conditioning system, and you might have some unique problems that nobody aside from a licensed professional can help you with.

So, let’s discuss the elephant in the room before we get into the specifics. We’re talking about your thermostat, the little device that communicates between you and your air conditioner. It’s going to be the difference between an air conditioner that’s stressed out and running in long cycles, and one that’s in perfect shape.

Everyone sets their thermostats differently, but there are some general guidelines we’d like to discuss. And if you’re at all frustrated with the functionality of your cooling, be sure to call our team for AC repair in Sapulpa, OK.

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3 AC Issues to Be Weary Of

Monday, June 12th, 2023

Air conditioners are complex machines. This means that their problems aren’t one-dimensional. Usually, an air conditioner that runs into a problem needs to be properly diagnosed by a professional because the source of the problem can be complicated. For instance, an air conditioner can make a strange noise or give off a foul odor, and both of those are different problems with their own processes for repairs.

So, what are we getting at here? This all sounds like helpful information but what’s the point?

Well, we’d like to give you an example of 3 specific AC issues that are at different ends of the service spectrum. One of them is a strange noise, another is a foul odor, and the last is an odd cycling time. Each of these problems is wildly different, but all of them require professional AC repair in Sapulpa, OK.

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Our Helpful Refrigerant FAQ

Monday, May 29th, 2023

What exactly is refrigerant? How does a refrigerant recharge work? What happens if you constantly need to recharge the refrigerant in your air conditioner?

These are all great questions, but we can’t just answer them in one word, or even one paragraph. We’re really going to have to discuss these in greater detail. Refrigerant is a core aspect of cooling (and in the case of heat pumps–heating), and in order to know how your air conditioner functions, you’ll need a crash course in refrigerant.

Today, we’re going to talk about refrigerant–what it is and why it’s so important for a cooling system. We’ll hopefully answer all of your budding questions. And, if you think your AC needs a refrigerant recharge or a professional diagnosis, contact our team for AC repair in Sapulpa, OK.

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