Repair Vs. Replacement: Making the Best Choice for Your Budget

July 22nd, 2024

Air conditioners are not like other appliances in our home. For instance, a washing machine or a dishwasher could sometimes run at a fraction of the cost of operating a new air conditioner. Likewise, if you’re in need of support, just a quick call for AC repair in Broken Arrow, OK can run up the bill and cause a shock to your budget. This is stressful, and we understand why customers might try to hold off on repair or go with a DIY attempt.

But the real issue here is the state of your air conditioner, your budget, and how it all interacts. If you wait on AC repairs, for instance, your budget might be in worse shape come fall when replacement is the only option for your broken compressor. Or, if you pay for repairs without thinking about a replacement, you might end up wasting money on a system that is already on its way out.

How can you tell if it’s time to replace the system? How do you know if it just needs a quick fix? Let’s break it down.

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Summertime Check-In: 5 Common AC Repairs That Cause Customers Trouble

June 17th, 2024

Is your air conditioner on the fritz? That’s some unfortunate timing with the fact that we’re almost in July and the hottest weather is still yet to come. That kind of experience can be demoralizing for anyone, and it’s a fundamental reason why our blog exists.

We’re not just your average team that provides support for HVAC in Broken Arrow, OK. We can definitely provide that for you, yes, but we also like to provide tips and helpful information for customers who might be going through a rough time. A broken or malfunctioning air conditioner is not a fun thing to experience, and it’s something that we’d like to help with, even if you haven’t gotten to the point of calling us yet.

So, here are just a few common signs that your AC is in distress and requires professional repairs. 

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3 End of the Season Heating Repairs to Consider

May 13th, 2024

Well, normally we would be turning to focus on our air conditioners for the next few months, but we figured one last blog about end-of-season heating repairs couldn’t hurt. In fact, many heating systems can struggle due to forgotten repairs that go untreated as we start to ignore them during the summer.

May is the perfect month to perform one last walkthrough and detect some sinister issues before they become complicated or forgotten about when the warmer months arrive. Fixing your heating system now with expert heating repair in Bixby, OK will make next fall feel a lot easier and more comfortable as a result.

So, what can you expect when inspecting your heating system at the end of a long spring? Here are some common examples of why now might be the best time to invest in repairs.

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Is 2024 the Year to Finally Invest in a Heat Pump?

April 8th, 2024

Customers throughout our area are finally starting to take heat pump technology seriously. It’s not just here. Everywhere people are actually considering replacing their old furnaces, boilers, and window unit air conditioners with heat pumps.

This isn’t by accident. Heat pumps have become more common, and with the help of legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act, they’ve become more affordable. Tax credits, manufacturer rebates, and even local promotions are making heat pumps more competitive than ever before. Before you replace that old furnace with a new one, make sure you’re not missing out on one of the most high-tech and reliable HVAC systems in the 21st century.

Based on some of the reasons we’ll list down below, 2024 could be the year of the heat pump installation in Jenks, OK.

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Geothermal: How It Works and Why It’s a Great Idea

March 5th, 2024

Geothermal systems are incredible technological advancements. We’re only going to see more of them in the coming years, and they’re only going to get more efficient and powerful as technology advances. But, unfortunately, many people still don’t know how they work or if they’d be a good addition to their home.

Well, we’re here to provide a customers’ guide to geothermal in Jenks, OK. We’ll talk about how it works, the science behind the process, and why a geothermal system could be a wonderful potential investment for you and your family.

Leave it to a team of professional HVAC technicians to give you the facts. Geothermal systems aren’t for everyone. But if you have the budget and the home for one, it might end up being one of the best purchases you ever make in your lifetime.

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Good vs. Great: HVAC Company Edition

February 5th, 2024

A technician comes to your home, fixes your heating system, and leaves with a smile and a wave. It’s simple right? There’s not really much more that you have to consider.

That’s what most people think. But in reality, the service you pay for is a lot more complicated than that. The technician who shows up at your house is a real-life human being who belongs to a company full of staff. The problem with your HVAC system could be complex, the layout of your home could be unconventional, and the time of day when this problem takes place could be in the middle of the night.

The truth is that HVAC service can come in many different forms. And this is when you can clearly see the difference between a good technician and a great one. We’d argue that our team is full of excellent technicians that keep customers coming back, but we’ll have to prove it to you first. Keep reading to learn what separates a good company from a great HVAC company in Glenpool, OK.

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Don’t Risk a Gas Leak With a New Furnace

January 22nd, 2024

A new furnace might sound like an excellent idea, and it is to a certain extent. But for many enthusiastic DIYers and amateur technicians, it’s a big risk and could turn into a disaster.

Don’t get us wrong–we don’t want to discourage anyone from investing in a furnace. In fact, furnaces are some of the most effective and safe ways to heat your home, and that’s what makes them so common. So in case you’re curious about these systems, you shouldn’t be afraid of them for any reason.

What you should be afraid of, however, is the idea of DIY gas furnace installation in Glenpool, OK. If you or an amateur decides to take on this kind of work, you’re risking a lot of unsafe situations and an extremely expensive resolution.

Keep reading to learn more.

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How Efficient Is Your Furnace?

January 8th, 2024

Efficiency is an easy thing to forget about until your heating bills come at the end of the month. Then, you’re looking at a big price tag that you have to pay, and this happens throughout the entire winter.

So, when exploring options for a furnace installation in Glenpool, OK, you’ll want to know how efficient the system is and how likely you are to save money on your heating bills month after month. This can be easily understood, and as your licensed professionals in the area, we’re happy to teach you.

Just remember that furnace installations and repairs are never to be done by anyone other than a licensed professional. Your furnace deserves the best care and your comfort should never be compromised.

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New Years Resolutions That Work: Furnace Edition

December 25th, 2023

New Years resolutions are a pop culture phenomenon that don’t necessarily work right every time. We’ve all thought about going to the gym more or spending more time at home with the family as a resolution, but life doesn’t exactly go as planned. In fact, a New Year’s Resolution can sometimes make us think we have more control over our lives than we actually do.

Sorry to get existential, but we’re going somewhere with this. One area of your life that you do have control over is your heat. Whether you’ve got a furnace, a boiler, or a heat pump, there are some resolutions you can make in 2024 that keep your budget intact and your home more comfortable–all without lifting a finger.

Let’s talk about some great New Year resolutions that can work for furnace repair in Tulsa, OK.

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3 Targets for an Air Purifier

December 11th, 2023

It’s a classic tale: a customer looks at the cool and interesting technology of a UV air purifier, only to resist the urge to purchase it. Too many times we’ve heard the phrase “I don’t need that,” accompanied by a thing that is definitely needed for your home. But we’d argue that many homeowners simply don’t know that they do need these kinds of systems, depending on the types of contaminants they’re dealing with.

This blog is going to be more of an explainer blog, where we’ll go into deep detail over each type of contaminant that a UV air purifier in Bixby, OK can target and eliminate. This isn’t for us to sound smart or for fun, it’s for customers to use so they can figure out whether an air purifier would be put to good use in their own home.

Then, once you’ve got an idea of the kinds of contaminants you might be dealing with, you can call our team for air purifier installation or even the set up of an air filter that will get the job done.

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