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5 Common Symptoms of Poor Indoor Air Quality in Your Home

The air quality in the home is a key factor in your family’s overall health and comfort. Poor indoor air quality could cause many health problems, including headaches, allergies, and respiratory issues. This article will look at common signs that indicate poor air quality within your home to help you recognize the signs and schedule the best indoor air quality services in Tulsa, OK.

5 Telltale Signs of Poor IAQ in Your Home

We spend a lot of time considering what we eat, how much water we drink, and how much exercise we get, but how much time have do we spend considering the air quality in your home? Most people spend up to 90% of their time inside, so air quality is a considerably bigger factor in health than you might have realized.

Here are the most frequent signs of poor indoor air quality within your home:

  • Respiratory Problems

If you or someone else in your family suffers from frequent sneezing, coughing, or shortness of breath, It could indicate low indoor quality. Allergens, dust, and other pollutants can build up in the air creating respiratory issues.

To combat this, it is important to often clean and vacuum your home. You can also utilize air purifiers to eliminate pollutants and allergens from the air. To lessen the allergens in your home, you can use air purifiers, wash your bedding regularly and keep pets off furniture.

  • Malfunctioning AC Unit

A broken AC unit might not be able to effectively control humidity and temperature levels that can attract allergens and bacteria. Schedule AC service in Tulsa, OK, to ensure that your AC unit isn’t causing low air quality.

  • Cold and Warm Areas

Where the air in your home isn’t circulated properly, hot and cold spots develop. This may occur because your HVAC system is inadequately sized for your space square footage and cannot handle the air volume there. A poorly maintained cooling system or clogged ducts could also be the fault.

If your home doesn’t have consistent temperatures throughout, it also likely doesn’t have consistent filtration. There may be pockets of irritants and contaminants in the areas that are consistently hot and chilly.

  • Constant Fatigue

Poor indoor air quality could cause fatigue, irritability, sleepiness, and trouble concentrating. These symptoms could result from exposure to contaminants like carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and a volatile organic compound. To combat this, make steps to improve indoor air quality by regularly vacuuming, cleaning, and employing air purifiers.

  • A damp Odor

It could indicate mold if you detect a musty odor or dampness within your home. Mold thrives in moist conditions and humid areas. It releases harmful particles in the air that could be inhaled, leading to respiratory ailments. To stop mold growth, take care of any moisture issues in your house, like leaky pipes for air conditioners. You should also consider scheduling AC services in Tulsa, OK.

To Sum Up

Bad indoor air quality can have a major negative impact on health and well-being. It is essential to do the steps necessary to improve the air quality in your home to ensure that the air in your home is healthy and safe for breathing.

Contact J.C. Mechanical at (918) 264-3739. We can assist you in maintaining your indoor air quality and health by offering the best indoor air quality services in Tulsa, OK.

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